Nordlys Viking
Drinking horn 500 ml
Drinking horn 500 ml
Linnavångsvägen 7.
Linnavångsvägen 7
295 74 Näsum
Drinking horn in warrior size, holds a large beer or approx. 500ml. A practical size that works as well today as it did 1000 years ago. Can be both for one person or to share with a friend. Handmade in natural cow horn. Keep in mind that horn is a natural material and that all horns are unique in terms of shape and color. You can also specify a desired color, we will then try to match it with what we have in stock. All our drinking horns are lacquered inside with food-approved lacquer. We always do our best to choose a nice horn for you according to any wishes.

Do you have a question?
If you have any questions, need help or just want to brainstorm ideas, call us on +46 510-799880 and we will be happy to help you.
(09-17 Mon-Fri)