Nordlys Viking
Viking and Slavic Ornamental Design Vol
Viking and Slavic Ornamental Design Vol
Linnavångsvägen 7.
Linnavångsvägen 7
295 74 Näsum
This book features a selection of patterns following the example of the first edition, but vol. 2. contains two thematic groups. The first one is a collection of drawings of stunning reliefs accumulated on only two objects, mainly the so-called Kamień and Bamberg reliquaries, which are considered true masterpieces. The form of the second group is much simpler, yet symbolically richer, it consists of simple representations of gods and other creatures from the Slavic and northern-Germanic mythology of the Viking Age.

Do you have a question?
If you have any questions, need help or just want to brainstorm ideas, call us on +46 510-799880 and we will be happy to help you.
(09-17 Mon-Fri)