Nordlys Viking
Angel Clock, Gotlandskula
Angel Clock, Gotlandskula
Silver-plated brass
Linnavångsvägen 7.
Linnavångsvägen 7
295 74 Näsum
This small bell has a soft sound like that of silver bells. Popular as stress-reducing jewelery and for pregnant women. It is said that the baby in the womb hears the pinging and calms down. And that after birth the baby recognizes the sound and that it has a calming effect.
Legend has it that a group of good fairies who thousands of years ago fled into the forest where they lived in a safe place - away from danger and evil.
Tack vare deras vänskap med änglarna presenterades de med ett smyckes som innehöll en liten pingla - som en symbol för skydd och kärlek.

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