Nordlys Viking
August-Tiger Eye
Linnavångsvägen 7.
Linnavångsvägen 7
295 74 Näsum
Our very popular monthly jewelry with semi-precious stones, is here packaged together with a stylish silver colored chain. Choose according to the month that you or someone you like was born in. Or choose the stone that has the right properties just for you.
January- Rose Quartz: Pink
Rose quartz is the stone of love. It stands for love, peace and harmony. It is said to give you joy in life and balances yin and yang. It is said to create empathy and help you forgive and heal what has been..
Februari- From the position: Lila
Inspiring and listening, hear your inner self voice. Can also act protectively and help with sleep problems.
Mars- Jasper: Red
A helping stone that follows you and supports you through life. Can also strengthen dreams during sleep and the dreams of their own future..
April - Rock crystal: Colorless
One of our strongest stones. The cleansing crystal is the stone of healing, it is also the stone of purity and light.Stands for hharmony and balance with the universe.
May agate: Yellow
Gives courage and protects at the same time as the balans and calms.
June moonstone: Milk white
It is considered to bring luck, prosperity and patience. The power of the moon and a channel to the etheric.
July-red jade: Red
Red jade stands for passion and vitality, and can, among other things, help us transform fear into action. It can also be a stone of passion.
August - Tiger's Eye: Golden brown
Tiger eye gives strength and better self-esteem. Grows your inner power and acts as a catalyst. A good stone to carry in your bag or wear during exams, competitions, important meetings and performances.
September- Sodalite: Black and white
Promotes friendship and solidarity. A self-esteem booster. Cherish your true self and how you can reach your full potential.
October- Tourmaline: Black
Tourmaline is a balancing stone that dissolves tension and stress. It transforms negative thoughts into positive ones.
November - Yellow Jade: Yellow
Yellow jade is a stone for self-esteem and security in knowing and accepting yourself as you are. To honor one's own personality and be able to set boundaries around oneself. It also stands for gjoy, friendship, loyalty, happiness and luck.
December-Green Jade: Green
Good to have on a journey, spiritually or physical life. Helps to
embrace the joy in existence and help one see the bright side of life.

Do you have a question?
If you have any questions, need help or just want to brainstorm ideas, call us on +46 510-799880 and we will be happy to help you.
(09-17 Mon-Fri)